Teknion Office Furniture

Systems Furniture

Shape, swivel and slide

Global contract and teknion systems furniture

Showing is better than telling in videos that Cicada created for worldwide furniture companies, Global Contract and Teknion, to illustrate different furniture systems options.

Experiential videos gives viewers a complete understanding of the range of configurations and uses for Global’s furniture systems. Expanding desks and storage arrangements are illustrated in a continuous series of possible layouts for maximum viewer interest and engagement.

Location: Toronto Canada
Client: Global Contract, Teknion
Summary: Animations and images for print were created to communicate design and versatility of furniture systems for use in international tradeshows.


Show don't tell

The dynamic animation brings the scope of furniture configurations to life.


Animated furniture assembly


Animated furniture transformation

Wide audience reached by videos

Cicada’s videos were used at several tradeshows, such as IIDEXCanada, to represent the client’s new lines of furniture systems. Cinematic and other storytelling techniques communicate in a fun way how using furniture systems decreases floor space and leads to savings in rent, maintenance, heating, and cooling, in a dynamic animation created for the high end furniture company.


Playful video clearly shows different furniture systems options

Images show furniture configurations

Still image shows how different furniture layouts fit into real workplace settings.
Still plan view of multiple furniture configurations
Global Furniture Office 01

Workspace Furniture

Click to see larger

Global Furniture Brochure
Global Furniture Brochure


Highly detailed CG images are created from select viewpoints specifically for catalog layouts. We create custom imagery for marketing packages to achieve a comprehensive overview of a product line.