SLC Airport Canyon View

Salt Lake City Airport

Fly into the Future

SLC Airport Canyon View

The New SLC Airport

Images, animation and VR experience demonstrate design features of New Salt Lake City Airport to visitors.

A series of digital media were developed by Cicada to communicate the design of the Salt Lake City Airport redevelopment to visitors. Video presentations take viewers on a tour of the re-envisioned facilities, while an interactive VR experience allow viewers to explore the features of the new design, whether using a VR headset, online or at on-site kiosks.

Location:  Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Client: Salt Lake City, Department of Airports
Design: HOK
Summary: Renderings, video and animation, interactive presentation for web, touch screen and virtual reality headsets.

SLC Airport Apron
SLC Airport Apron View

Arrival & Departure

Two videos were created to convey the experience entering and leaving the new airport design to both visitors and residents of Salt Lake City.

SLC VR Application
Salt Lake City VR Application

Virtual terminal

A custom VR application was developed to showcase the new features of the airport’s design.

The web-based VR experience allows visitors to interact with the airport’s new spaces either on screen or using a VR headset, as well as on kiosks within the airport itself.

Pop-up information and highlighted features are animated, responding to viewers gaze providing further exploration of the new airport.

Link to VR Experience

SLC VR preview on iPad



High resolution rendered images were created for web, print and kiosks on-site at the New Salt Lake City Airport to demonstrate the layout of the new terminal, the experience inside and the expansive views to the mountain landscape beyond.

SLC Airport Plaza
SLC Airport Plaza